How to get a Diesel connexion from a non Rocket application ?

Disclaimer: I’m not a Rocket, Diesel, or even Rust expert, my solution may not be seen as ideal, but I use it on mtpki without experiencing any issue.

Accessing the database from Rocket

If you already had a look to Rocket’s guide (v0.5-rc), you should already be familiar with that, but here’s a reminder:

First, You add rocket_sync_db_pools to your dependencies, configure your Rocket.toml or some environment variables, and then define a wrapper structure for your DBMS, such as Diesel::SqliteConnection, decorated by a database annotation, telling rocket_sync_db_pools which configuration to read from your Rocket.toml.

Finally, you are ready to add a parameter of your wrapper struct type, so that your connection provider is injected in the controller methods that need it.

However, if you wish to get it from another binary, that method isn’t applicable, as there is nothing like request guards for non-Rocket applications.

Accessing the database from anywhere

Suppose you have another binary, either from another workspace or simply in a bin/ directory, that needs to connect to your database. You can instantiate the appropriate Diesel struct, either providing the parameters hardcoded, or exported in an environment variables (ROCKET_DATABASES, to use the same name as the one Rocket loads internally), or read it from a TOML file for instance.

Using Figment, we can load the configuration both from the Rocket.toml file and theROCKET_* environment variables in one step. All we have to do is loading the configuration and pass it to Diesel like that:

use rocket::config::Config;
use serde::Deserialize;
use diesel::{Connection, SqliteConnection};

pub type MyDb = SqliteConnection;

struct CnxDbSettings {
    url: String

pub fn get_db_path() -> String {
    if let Ok(config) = Config::figment().focus("databases.db").extract::<CnxDbSettings>() {
    } else {
        panic!("No database url given, or Rocket.toml file not found");

pub fn get_db() -> MyDb {

As you can see, the get_db() function returns a MyDb instance - a real SqliteConnection - that you can use even without adding rocket_sync_db_pools to your binary’s dependencies.

Get rid of rocket_sync_db_pools?

Using that code, you could also get rid of rocket_sync_db_pools in your rocket app if you wish, but keep in mind that: